WCU Green Dot Do something

WCU Green Dot – Do something!

Do you want to be part of a community where violence is not tolerated and everyone is expected to do their part? If your answer is yes, then join the over 1000 WCU students, faculty, and staff who joined the Green Dot Movement!

A green dot is your individual commitment to keeping red dots off our campus map. Red dots are moments when people use their words, choices, or actions to lead to power-based personal violence (PBPV). PBPV are forms of violence that use power, control, and/or intimidation to harm another. At WCU, we are focusing on partner violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

A green dot can be as simple as asking a friend if they need help, walking up to a couple who is arguing to ask for directions, or directly confronting a situation that makes you uncomfortable. No matter what you do, if we all do something, we can all make a difference in preventing PBPV at WCU and in our community.

No one has to do everything. Everyone has to do something. What’s your Green Dot?

CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE – WCU Green Dot – Do something!